Weekly test
Weekly test is your practice !
It will cover topics studied on last week both Biology, Chemistry, Medical English and General English.
The test available every Sunday from 9:00 – 16:00 In this time frame you can start the exam
In the exam 4 parts:
- 15 Multiply question in Chemistry (15 min.)
- 15 Multiply question in Biology (15 min.)
- 5 Multiply question in Medical English (5 min)
- 10 General English (10 min.)
The exam following those rules:
- You will solve each part separately one after the other
- Each part have it's time, Once you start... Time is running....1 minute for question
- One attempt to solve the test
- Once you answer the question you can’t change the answer and go back to previous questions.
- After the exam close to all the students you can review the questions.
What you should prepare before starting:
- predicable table (can be found on Moodle in chemistry course)
- Calculator
Good Luck 🤞